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Landing Pages - What, Why, and How

August 18, 20222 min read

“Not only are bloggers suckers for the remarkable, so are the people who read blogs .” - Seth Godin


Creating compelling landing pages with unique content is a great way to attract more visitors to your site.

What is a Landing Page?

A landing page is any web page that a consumer can land on, but in the marketing realm, it’s usually a standalone page, distinct from your homepage or any other page, that serves a single and focused purpose. A landing page is a follow-up to any promises that you’ve made in your content. Essentially, it’s the next step toward a visitor becoming a customer. Your landing page lets you make a trade, some sort of special offer, piece of information, or a deal, in return for providing contact information.

Landing pages can be click-through, leading to another page such as your e-commerce site, or lead generation based. Lead generation landing pages typically offer items like an eBook, free trial, contest entry or webinar registration in return for the submission of contact information. A good landing page will do its job by convincing a potential customer that it’s worth it to provide personal details in return in exchange for whatever you have to offer. Landing pages can be found through a general search or via your company website, increasing the likelihood that a potential customer will end up there.

There’s no need to have just one landing page or even just one landing page at a time. In fact, experts in the marketing world probably suggest that you maintain multiple landing pages, targeted toward segmented customer populations.

Why Landing Pages Convert More Traffic

Landing pages convert more traffic because they are focused on one goal or call to action by providing information about a specific offer or item. It has limited navigation, and the simplicity keeps a visitor focused on the goal rather than being distracted by multiple links taking them away from the page. A dedicated landing page is also a destination for traffic and when a high-quality advertisement promotes a single offer, it is more likely for visitors to become customers. 

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